Wednesday, April 8, 2009

(I discovered this expanse at the end of street I live on yesterday afternoon)

*I've been making yoghurt every couple of days. This process is a good one to be in. Making yoghurt regularly is one way of establishing a routine and routine is important for autistic people. I think I am a little bit autistic. I decided that it's time to extend my fermentation repertoire. So tonight, there is a bowl of oats blended with yoghurt, a pinch of salt and rainwater under my bed. The bowl is wrapped up in wool. The oats will ferment as I dream and we will see what becomes of us in the morning. is where I found a recipe for oatcakes made with fermented oats. I will let you all know what the result of my experimentation yields.

* So, I've been cooking heaps and pottering around my space really liking m
y own company. It's been a while since I have had my own space and as this one is particularly special, who could blame me for my inclination toward hermititude (especially given my autistic leanings).

* I combined almond meal, chopped dates, tahini, sunflower, seseme and pumpkin seeds, orange juice, orange zest and honey and rolled the resullting mixture into little balls. They are delicious and energy and nutrient filled, I am sure.

* I bought an old bike today. Its wheels are flat and its handlebars swing about but I hope to fix it before that Stu face comes around. This white racer reminds me of my trusty, old Matsushita bicycle from which I learnt a few things about bicycle anatomy, since she often had illnesses. Getting this white racer on the road will be a good project to improve my motor and cognitive skills. It's somewhat h
elpful for me to treat myself like if I am my own patient. The bus provides a good place for rehabilitation

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