Wednesday, April 1, 2009

some things about today

* I found many exciting items at the op-shop today including an old chequered blanket, many pairs of underwear and daggy shorts.

* I've been eating really well since I arrived here. Living in a small town means I am close to home all the time so I never need to get eat-out, not that I am compelled to eat out here anyway. The range of eateries here is pretty uninspiring (though the Tea Shrine definitely makes Alice Springs a lot more liveable) and somehow, the whole structure of my life here thus far, really does not promote a need for eating out and take away food somehow. Somehow life is cleaner and simpler.

* My living space is really fuck ace. How right it feels to walk down the bus steps and into my outdoor living area every morning. I can also pretty much see the sunrise through one of the bus windows as I lie in bed. One day I will get pictures onto this blog thing. (Bec, the memory card reader turned out to be a fuck around. My computer refused to read it and so I took it back to Jaycar and had to be very assertive about getting a refund).

* The woman who served me at the Post Office showed me about 10 different kinds of stamps even though there was a really long line. I was very impressed by her. She responded very fully to my question 'what kinds of stamps do you have available at the moment?' If you are lucky, you will receive evidence of my stamp choice and purchase in your letterbox soon.

* I began the day by starting off some yoghurt cultures and by the end of the day, they were finished and now there are two jars of yoghurt. Breeding bacteria is really fun and I think I am heaps better at breeding bacteria than I am at breeding plants.

* I thought about Stu's beard this evening as I was watching The Bill. The show was entertaining although I think too much happened in it--a hit and run, attempted suicide, a drug bust, car theft. I never get to bed before midnight...

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