Thursday, April 23, 2009

This is partly how I have been entertaining myself, by observing invertebrates. My arachnid visitors have slowed down a bit with this onset of 'cool' weather (like, 30 degrees or less). This one suddenly appeared on the bus window, right in front of where I was sitting and would not move even when I tapped the glass firmly. I watched the way it put its little feelers into its little red maw to clean them. I thought its self maintainance routine was truly grotesque.


And I made these (they are hand-stitched) and they are not for sale because I look at them everyday and they remind me of dementedness and I think that is very important. They are pinned to my handmade curtains.

I went to hang out with the choral choir in a church today. I want to hang out with more old people because they are way cooler than young people. Like, they have manners and morals and all that sort of good shit. I want to find a new scene, that's all.

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